A temporary planned power outage in McMaster Hall, Ketcham Hall, Bica-Ross Hall, Shields Hall, and Dewald Chapel will occur today, Monday, March 17, 2025, from 11:30 a.m. to approximately 2 p.m. to allow for additional electrical repairs resulting from yesterday's weather-related power outage.
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Mount Union stands out for its emphasis on hands-on experience.
Assessing pipe-soil integrity and enhancing pipeline reliability and safety through advanced sensor technologies and integrated health monitoring, addressing both natural hazards and intentional threats.
Ph.D., Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada B.S., Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Inspiring Engineers
I chose teaching to help shape future engineers who can solve real-world challenges. My favorite part of the job is getting students to think critically about the problem. I’ve integrated my research on soil behavior under different ground conditions into my teaching through case studies and practical analysis projects.
Engineering at Mount Union
With small class sizes, students benefit from close interactions with faculty, ensuring personalized guidance and mentorship throughout their academic journey. Mount Union stands out for its emphasis on hands-on experience.
Andersen, D., Reza, A. and Dhar, A. S. 2025. Laboratory Investigation of Buried Small-Diameter Steel Pipes Subjected to Axial Ground Movement. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 16(2): 04025010. http://doi.org/10.1061/JPSEA2.PSENG-1789
Reza, A. and Dhar, A. S. 2024. Finite-element Modelling of Axial Movements of Polyethylene Pipes in Dense Sand. Transportation Geotechnics, 48: 101366. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.trgeo.2024.101366
Reza, A., Dhar, A. S. and Rahman, M. 2023. Strain Assessment of Polyethylene Pipes in Dense Sand Subjected to Axial Displacements, Geosynthetics International, 31(4): 469–486. http://doi.org/10.1680/jgein.22.00351
Reza, A. and Dhar, A. S. 2021. Effects of Axial Relative Ground Movement on Small Diameter Polyethylene Piping in Loose Sand, Infrastructures, 6(12): 168. http://doi.org/10.3390/infrastructures6120168
Reza, A. and Dhar, A. S. 2021. Axial Pullout Behavior of Buried Medium Density Polyethylene Gas Distribution Pipes, International Journal of Geomechanics, 21(7):04021120. http://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0002101
Reza, A. and Dhar, A. 2025. Response of Buried Pipelines Subjected to Abrupt Block Ground Movements, Geo-Extreme 2025, Geo-Institute (G-I), ASCE, Long Beach, California, November 2–5, 2025. (Submitted)
Jayabalasingham, T, Reza, A. and Dhar, A. 2024. Effects of backfill compaction method on the axial pipe–soil interaction for buried small-diameter MDPE pipes, 77th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, GeoMontréal 2024, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, September 15–18.
Priyom, S, Dhar, A. and Reza, A. 2024. Assessing axial soil resistance in small-diameter steel pipes under different backfill compactions, 77th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, GeoMontréal 2024, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, September 15–18.
Reza, A., Kuwata, Y. and Dhar, A. S. 2023. Investigation of buried pipes under axial tension and compression loadings, 76th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, GeoSaskatoon 2023, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, October 1–4.
Reza, A. and Dhar, A. S. 2022. Axial ground movement analysis for buried polyethylene pipelines using nonlinear pipe–soil interaction model, 75th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, GeoCalgary 2022, Calgary, AB, Canada, October 2–5.
Anzum, S., Reza, A. and Dhar, A. S. 2022. Finite element modeling of polyethylene pipe in dense sand subjected to lateral force, 75th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, GeoCalgary 2022, Calgary, AB, Canada, October 2–5.
Reza, A. and Dhar, A. S. 2021. Numerical evaluation of buried medium density polyethylene pipelines subjected to axial ground movement, In Proceedings of 100th Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington D.C., January 2021.
Reza, A., Hossain, K. and Dhar, A. S. 2021. Compressibility assessment of roadway embankments using tire derived aggregates (TDA), In Proceedings of 100th Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington D.C., January 2021.
Reza, A. and Dhar, A. S. 2021. Finite element modeling of pipe–soil interaction under axial loading in dense sand, 74th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, GeoNiagara 2021, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, September 26–29.
Chakraborty, S., Dhar, A. S. and Reza, A. 2021. A laboratory investigation of buried 42-mm diameter MDPE branched pipes under axial ground movements, 74th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, GeoNiagara 2021, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, September 26–29.
Reza, A., Dhar, A. S. and Muntakim, A. H. 2019. Full-scale laboratory pullout testing of a 60 mm diameter buried mdpe pipes, 7th International Conference on Engineering Mechanics and Materials, CSCE, June 12–15, Laval (Greater Montreal), QC, Canada.
Reza, A., Dhar, A. S., Rahman, M. and Weerasekara, L. 2019. Pulling rate effects on the pullout force of buried small diameter MDPE pipe in loose sand, 72nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, GeoSt.John’s 2019, Sept. 29–Oct. 2, St. John’s, NL.
Muntakim, A. H., Dhar, A. S. and Reza, A. 2018. Modelling time-dependent behavior of buried polyethylene pipes using abaqus, 71st Canadian Geotechnical Conference, GeoEdmonton 2018, Sept. 23–28, Edmonton, AB.
Reza, A., Anzum, S., Saha, R. C., Chakraborty, S. and Rahman, M. H. 2018. Implementation of solidification/stabilization process to reduce hazardous impurities and stabilize soil matrices, 6th International Conference on Environment Pollution and Prevention, ICEPP 2018, December 6–8, The university of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Saha, R. C., Reza, A., Hasan, M. S. and Saha, P. 2018. A review- bioremediation of oil sludge contaminated soil, 6th International Conference on Environment Pollution and Prevention, ICEPP 2018, December 6–8, The university of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Reza, A. and Saqif, M. A. 2018. Review on design consideration and code provisions on corrosion resistant reinforcing bars, 1st International Conference on Materials Design and Applications, ICMDA-2018, April 4–6, Colombo, Sri Lanka.